Frequently Asked Questions
1. If I am replacing my boiler, can I keep the same oil storage tank?
1A: Yes, you can. When you upgrade an appliance you don't have to change your oil storage tank so that it meets current legislation, unless the boilere installation makes the oil tank less compliant than it might be before. But if you have a fire and your tank does not comply with current legislation, you may find complications with an insurance claim. OFTEC recommends you consider upgrading your oil storage tank, but the decision is entirely yours to make.
2. Can I have my boiler in a loft?
2A: Yes, you can but it is not recommended by OFTEC and only then when there is absolutely no alternative position for your new boiler to be installed.
3. Should I turn my oil boiler off when my oil tank is being filled?
3A: Yes, this ensures that any sedement that has settled to the bottom of the tank won't be sucked into the fuel line.
4. What can cause an oil burner to lock out (stop working)?
4A: It could be it has run out of oil or a leak in the pipeline. It could be contaminated oil due to water, sludge or rust. As an OFTEC engineer we can come and inspect your appliance and advise you what has caused the issue.
5. Do all new boilers need to be condensing boilers?
5A: Yes, in my area this is a legal requirement.